PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau                   
Date:  1/21/2023 
Featured Track/Race:   Gulfstream Park – Race 9 
Race overview:  A strong AOC going 6Fs on the main for older runners, in a race where you can go any number of different ways. 
Pace:  It looks hot and contested, to be kind, as basically everyone wants to be involved in some way, shape, or form. 
Trends:  Laying close on the main is preferred, but a race can still fall apart under the right set of flow circumstances. 
Best Play:  #5 THINKABOUTIT (6-1): Stalker goes off-the-claim for Handal, and while that’s not a potent move, this one has back races to play with these, will LOVE the race flow, and gets an ace finishing rider in Rosario as well. 
Bet Types:    Aggressive WP bet and single in the late Pk5/Pk4 as well. 
Meet/POD Stats:  GP Champ. Meet: 153-33-27-26 ($1.49/$4.58 through 1/15) 

GP Champ. Meet POD: 16-7-4-3 ($2.71/$7.56 through 1/15)