Introducing a new
betting experience
Check out the all new mobile betting site! Officially launching after Breeders’ Cup, but you can use it now! It’s about time for a change.
My Account
View your account number, username, password and PIN.
Manage your site preferences.

Account History
View a detailed breakdown of all your bets.
My Funds
Manage your account balance, deposit funds and more.

Add Your Favorite Tracks
Just tap the star icon next to the track name to add it to your favorites list! Your favorite tracks will always show up first on top when they are running.
Update / View Your Account Details
Start by tapping the user icon in the bottom right side of your screen. Here you will find detailed account information such as Account Number, Username, Password and PIN. You can also retrieve your detailed betting history as well as depositing and withdrawing funds to and from your account.

Placing Bets Has Never Been Easier
After you have tapped the track you want to bet, next we need to select the bet type from the drop down menu on the left of your screen. Secondly we need to select how much we would like to bet from the drop down menu on the right of your screen. Lastly you can either ‘Submit’ your bet in real time or you can ‘Save Bet’ to add it to your queue. Remember the ‘Save Bet’ feature is there in case you want to wait until right before post time to submit your bet.